
Ice Cube Chocolates

1 Hr 6 Min
1 Min

Did you know that you could use your ice cube tray to make homemade candy? That's right! With our recipe for Ice Cube Chocolates, you can make your very own gourmet-style chocolates right at home. These homemade chocolates are especially great for gift-giving or setting out on a tray at your next holiday party.

What You'll Need

  • 2 1/2 cup dark or milk chocolate chips
  • 2 tablespoon coconut oil
  • Assorted fillings (peanut butter, shredded coconut, nuts, caramels, chocolate-coated candy, mini marshmallows, etc.)

What to Do

  1. Lightly coat 2 plastic ice cube trays with cooking spray.
  2. In a medium microwave-safe bowl, combine chocolate chips and oil. Microwave 60 to 90 seconds or until chips are melted, stirring occasionally. Pour chocolate into ice cube trays, filling each cube about one-third full. Place trays in freezer 2 minutes. Remove trays from freezer and tilt to make sure chocolate coats all sides of each cube.
  3. Place trays back in freezer 2 minutes or until chocolate has thickened slightly. Tilt again to make sure chocolate coats all sides of cubes with a thicker coat of chocolate. Place trays in freezer 2 more minutes or until set.
  4. Fill each chocolate shell with about 1 teaspoon of your desired filling. Cover filling with melted chocolate and tap ice cube trays on counter to level chocolate. Pour more melted chocolate on top.
  5. Place trays in freezer 1 hour or until hardened. Remove trays from freezer and let sit 5 minutes. Unmold chocolates by lightly twisting trays.


To fancy them up a bit, drizzle with white chocolate and decorate each chocolate piece with holiday sugar decorations.

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