How To Cut Corn Off the Cob

Don’t worry if you don’t know the first thing about how to cutting corn off the cob; it's easy with these simple steps from Howard. Check out the video to watch him in action!
- After you've removed the extra silks off the cob, cut the bottom knob off so you can stand the corn upright.
- Take two bowls, one large and one small. Place the small bowl inside the large one, upside down. Stand the corn on the dome of the upside-down bowl.
- Run your knife through the corn and watch as all of the kernels fall into the bowl and not on your floor!
Fresh corn has an unparalleled, crisp and subtly sweet taste that cannot be beat! Use fresh corn within one or two days of picking for optimal sweetness, and learn How to Shuck Corn with Howard in one of his many "How To" videos. In this video, "How to Cut Corn Off the Cob," Howard shows us a super easy way to cut corn off the cob without the hassle or the mess. Use fresh corn as a tastier substitute in your favorite recipes, like Fresh Corn Dip or Farm-Fresh Corn Salad. Fresh corn is the perfect one-to-one substitute for canned corn or frozen corn.
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