Types of Onions and How to Choose the Right Onion

There are different types of onions, and each kind has its own best use, from soups and stews to salads. Some onions are best for caramelizing, while others are most yummy raw. Even though picking the best onion might seem simple, there are a few things you should look out for, and we've outlined them for you here! Want some tricks on picking the perfect onion? Want to learn about the different types of onions? Well we've got you covered! Check out our tips below.
Types of Onions

Onions are separated into two different types: dry onions and green onions. Within the two, there are many different varieties. When you’re getting ready to cook, it’s important to choose the best onion for your recipe.
Dry onions are either storage onions or sweet onions, and include all of your common varieties, including the popular white onion, yellow onion, and red onion. They do not require refrigeration.
Green onions, also known as shallots, are called so because of their long green stalks. Scallions are also commonly referred to as green onions. This type of onion must be refrigerated.
Selecting Onions

Look for onions that are firm to the touch. If your onion is mushy or soft, it has a greater chance of being rotten inside.
Avoid choosing onions with spots or blemishes.
As with any fruit or veggie, be sure your onions don't have any unusual or bad odors.
Choosing the Best Onion for Your Recipe

Yellow and white onions are two basic varieties that are used in everyday cooking. They’re great for soups and stews. We use them in recipes like our Hash Brown Casserole and Creamy Baked Onions.
Sweet onions are great for recipes that ask you to caramelize your onions. The sugar content within sweet onions makes them brown faster. Sweet onions are great in our French Onion Soup or for making Sweet Onion Casserole.
Red onions are best eaten raw, and are great for adding color to salads. We like it in our Farm-Fresh Corn Salad and Southern Slaw.